
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Stotesbury Cup Regatta

Four years ago I was supposed to experience one of the classic milestone celebrations of a person's life- high school graduation. However, I missed my high school graduation (so sad, I know!) to row at the Stotesbury Regatta in Philly instead.
While I am incredibly sad I never got to put on a cap and gown and walk up on the stage to shake the hand of my principal and have him hand me my diploma, I would not have changed a thing about that week.  I had the chance to row at a national regatta, and it was amazing.  Thousands of hours in gyms, on the water, and hitting the pavement, and it all came down to just a few minutes of actual racing.  While my boat didn't win (we just missed finals), we still made a great impression on the other teams.  With the tallest member of our boat standing at 5'8", and an average height of 5'4" (our most of our competitors had at least 6'' on us), we surprised everyone. Our all of the other eights made it to finals, and most ended up medalling, so it was still a glorious day.
Here we are at the Orlando airport, getting ready to head to Philly.  Of course we all had to look identical, dressed in travel uniforms.
About to launch off the dock.  Goose poop everywhere.  So gross!
Stretching before a practice run. 
Stretching and a pep talk before the big race.  
Taken during the actual race.  I'm slightly off time, I know.  So horrible that it was captured on film!
With the regatta coming up in only a few days, I had to reminisce again.  And I want to wish  the Winter Park Wildcats good luck!  You just brought back the Florida State Championship, so time to bring home the big one!