
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Back in Burlington

So it has sure been an interesting last few weeks.  I started my internship at the Emily Post Institute, graduated, and fully moved down to Burlington, Vermont for the summer. Oh yeah, and my brother decided to finally get pop the question to his law school girlfriend, and then they got married three weeks later.  

So the day after I found out about my internship, I got  a call from my brother, telling me to clear May 21st, because he and his girlfriend were getting married.  Of course I was thrilled (and slightly shocked)!  My parents and I flew down to Miami (hence my long travel rant) for a lovely and intimate ceremony in her parents' backyard during sunset.  It was amazing to see the two together, so happy, and both their family and friends smiling from ear to ear.  I am so happy for my big brother!  I managed to take a few pictures, most of which turned out badly from where I was sitting, but I think this one of them with the officiant turned out well enough:

I left my parents in Miami, got in to Ottawa Saturday, packed up my car, and was then off to Burlington Sunday afternoon so that I could start work for Monday. I love it at the EPI.  Everyone is so nice, and I am absolutely impressed by what they are able to do with such a small staff.  I was also somewhat star-struck my first day, seeing various Posts around the office.  I've gotten a bit used to it since, but I still find myself a little in awe at times.  

By the end of the week, I had my car packed up again and drove back up to Canada for graduation weekend (at this point I was already growing tired of driving).  I was also super happy to see my parents again.  Of course it had only been a week, but I still missed my mommy, and I'll admit it!  My parents threw a wonderful brunch celebration for me and invited some family friends.  Most people have known me since I was a wee tot, so it was strange for them to see me as a college grad.  But it was nice to be able to celebrate such an occasion with people that have seen me grow up (minus the 10 year gap I was in FL). 

I then packed up my car (see a trend?) and left for Kingston in the evening to return to school and to see DW again.  I love going back to Kingston during the summer.  It's stressful during the school year, but so calm during the summer, with beautiful Lake Ontario full of sail boats.  We immediately starting planning our brunch for Monday.  Our ceremony was Monday morning, after which we had a reception with our Commerce professors and administration, and then a brunch which DW and I organized for our families.  It was the first time I had seen many of my professors in years, and it was such a stroll down memory lane.  I even got a teaching assistant offer for next year!  The ceremony was of course emotional for me.  As soon as I entered the hall, saw the mass of people there to see us graduates, my eyes starting tearing up.  It was the first moment I felt like a graduate.  It took a lot of might to keep back the tears, but I somehow managed.  I didn't see my parents during the ceremony, but DW had a perfect view of them and said they were crying while I got up and received my diploma and was hooded (we don't do hats, we get hooded).  My father's not a very emotional man, so it's hard to believe he had been tearing up, but I do believe he was proud of me.  

The brunch was a smashing success, everyone loved the chocolate mousse I made, but I was so stressed out about it beforehand that I didn't really get a chance to take many pictures of me in my grad garb. 

Here I am with DW before we got our gowns.  I had purchased a new pink Lilly dress in NYC for the occasion (as mentioned in my last post), but was informed by my friends that it was too pink (as if there can be such a thing).  I conceded (just this once) and instead went with the classic Worth Shift.  The anticipation was driving me mad at this point!  I kinda wanted to get it over with, only because I was very worried that I would trip on stage (I am a horrible klutz, so this was a very big possibility).

And here I am going up with my diploma to get hooded.  This may just be one of my favorite candid shots.  I can't believe how happy I look!  Of course this picture doesn't show how nervous I was.  I got up to the Chancellor and just froze.  It took a minute to remember I was to shake his hand.  I was so happy to sit back down again.

By Tuesday early morning I was on the road again, stopped by Ottawa briefly to pick up some  things from home, and then drove through Montreal, crossed the border, and then made it into Burlington again by that night.  Of  course when I opened the door to the place I am subletting for the summer, the power was out.  The new tenants, from whom I am subletting, had just transferred over the utilities to their names, but the power had been shut off in the few days before they moved in.  It was not a happy first day.  Thankfully I awoke the next morning to electricity!  I was a happy camper to be able to have a hot shower again. 

I've been working at the EPI for a couple of weeks now, and I can't be any happier.  I've been working on a new website, learning new web development concepts in the process.  Keep an eye out for the launch of the new site!

I suppose that's all for now.  I don't have internet in the new place, so I'm getting by with the little connections I can get here and there in random coffee shops.  Hopefully I'll be getting a connection soon enough to be more consistent with my updates.  And I'll post pictures of Burlington- it's such a cute, storybook-esque place.

Happy almost-weekend!



  1. WOW! What an adventure! Congrats on graduating and getting your new job! Sounds like lots of fun!

    I love Burlington - that big street with all the shops...too cute!

  2. What a great few weeks! Kudos om everything!!! Where in Miami were you?

  3. Thanks so much for following my blog, I love yours!

    Wow, you have been so busy! Congratulations on graduation and your job! I love your Lilly dress, even though it's not the one you were planning to wear!

  4. Oh my goodness! You are interning at Emily Post?! What an awesome opportunity!

  5. Congrats on graduating and the awesome internship! How fun!

  6. Congratulations! Much going on in your life, very exciting!!

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