
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Break in Cuba

So this is way overdue!  I went with my BFF, DW, and one of our other roommates to Cuba way back in February.  It was amazing.  I've always wanted to go, but never could from Florida.  We left at 6am from Ottawa on a Friday (so early!).  Our flight started with french toast and champaign (a lovely way to start our vacation).  We stayed in Varadero, and our hotel was right on the beach.  The sand was white, and the water almost turquoise blue. It almost seemed to good to be true. The weather wasn't too great the entire time, but we watched the Olympics during the rainy days (so proud of Canada!).  We also went to Havana on a day trip. Havana was AMAZING.  Such gorgeous architecture.  Horse-drawn carriages.  And wonderfully delicious mojitos and pina-coladas.  It was such a great trip.  Below are some of the hundreds of pictures that I took:

The best mojito I've ever had!  So good.

I loved the way these glasses looked. So colorful.

There was a book market in the one of the government squares.

We also saw Hemingway's residence in Havana.  Here he is, shown with Fidel Castro himself.
A beautiful cathedral in Havana.
So many vintage cars.  I think this one was my favorite!
The sunsets were beautiful.  When the sun went away, the tourists generally left the beach, so we had it almost all to our selves and found some great shells along the shore.

It was such an amazing trip, a bit of a culture shock though.  But I still recommend it to anyone who has the chance!

1 comment:

  1. well we're glad you're back! what amazing pictures!! it looks like you had a great time :)
