
Friday, November 26, 2010

Study Week: Healthy Eating

If you don't live in a dorm and don't have a meal plan at the dining hall (like me, who lives off-campus), it can be difficult enough during the steady school year to eat well.  During the peak exam, project, and paper season it can get even worse.  So the following are tips, recipes, and links from Her Campus, with some personal tips mixed in.

Snacks and meals to pack:
  • sliced fruit and nut butter
  • unbuttered popcorn (I like to put on a little parmesan for flavor)
  • mixed nuts (raw, not salted)
  • turkey sandwich version 2.0 - two pieces whole wheat or multi-grain bread, light mayo, low-fat turkey, sliced apple, slice cheddar cheese (also works well with ham)
  • 100-calorie packs
  • greek yogurt parfait - pack one serving greek yogurt with some berries and granola in tuperware (good only for a little while before the granola gets mushy).  I like to add coconut and sliced almonds for extra flavor and protein.  So yummy!
  • edamame
  • granola bars - but read labels before you buy! Some are really high in sugar and offer little nutritional value
  • baggie of cherries, grapes, or strawberries
  • chocolate pudding with sliced bananas - a yummy dessert
  • rice cakes with nut butter
  • instant oatmeal - take dry oatmeal in a container, so whenever you're hungry, you can simply walk into a cafe or coffee shop on campus and ask for hot water.  I do this all the time for breakfast!  You can also add diced apple or nuts for a little something extra
  • mexican pita - in a pita stuff rice, refried beans, salsa, and a little cheese, and wrap in tinfoil or saran-wrap.  

Easy snacks or meals to make at home:
  • English muffin pizza - slice open an english muffin, spread tomato sauce on each side, top with veggies and cheese, bake in oven at 350 degrees until cheese melts and begins to golden
  • Peanut butter wrap - in a small whole-wheat tortilla spread low-fat peanut butter, put in one sliced banana and several sliced strawberries, wrap, and enjoy!
  • hummus with cut veggies (like carrots, celery, peppers) and pita chips - simple and quick, but not a great snack to bring to the library due to the loud "crunch" factor
  • tuna and crackers - now you can find handy single-serving tuna pouches in yummy flavors
  • waffle- pop a whole wheat waffle in the toaster, top with peanut butter and fruit (sliced apples, bananas, and strawberries work well)

Some Good Links from Her Campus:
And of course don't forget to drink lots and lots of water!!! There are days when I drink four cups of coffee and then get super gittery and spacey, at which point DW yells at me to drink water.  It really helps calm me down and concentrate. Plus, dehydration causes fatigue (which is the last thing I want when working!).

Does anyone have any other go-to snacks or recipes?


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