
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sick Day

I haven't been sick since last semester.  Thankfully I remained healthy through my midterms and spring break, but as soon as I finally relaxed after a hectic last week, my body finally gave up!  I woke up yesterday sick, and have been dealing with a cloudy head, runny nose, and sore throat since. So not fun!

 My ideal sick day situation has me in a comfy bed full of pillows, wearing warm pajamas and slippers, sipping delicious tea, eating my mom's home made chicken noodle soup, watching old Audrey Hepburn movies, and catching up on back issues of my favorite magazines.

Instead I'm frantically planning a conference for 7th and 8th grade girls for Friday, while my co-chair (the person with whom I'm supposed to equally share my responsibility of our organization) is mia.  As in skipped our meetings, isn't answering any form of communication, and pretty much hasn't contributed anything to this conference. Thankfully I have two amazing girls from my committee who are doing an amazing job helping me.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it all works out perfectly on Friday! 

I really shouldn't, but I may sneak a watch of one Audrey movie while I attempt some of my school work later tonight...  I mean, Roman Holiday counts as research for my trip to Rome, right?



  1. Oh no! Feel better soon! It's so hard to have a partner who isn't sharing the burden of work. Best of luck getting everything done. :)

  2. Ah I feel like everyone has been getting sick lately! I completely understand how you feel about the whole co-position thing. I currently hold a co-position and am constantly pulling more weight then I need to considering it being a position that is to be shared. I hope you feel better and that everything works out!

  3. I hope you feel better! Sorry your partner is MIA, I hope you get in some relaxation time!

  4. I've been to Rome and still prefer Roman Holiday as my guide

  5. Movies totally count as research for trips. Feel better soon!
